This album
includes the soundtrack from The Waltz King, featuring music
of Johann Strauss Sr., Johann Strauss Jr. and Jacques
Offenbach. The music is arranged and conducted by Helmuth Froschauer and
is played by the
Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Although mostly instrumentals,
there are four tracks that contain uncredited vocals.
back cover of the album lists twenty different tracks. As
noted on the record labels, four of the tracks are combined,
leaving a total of sixteen separated tracks on the vinyl.
Number: 2XEA 2505-IN / 2XEA 2506-IN
Notes: The Waltz
King aired in two parts during 1963 on October 27 and November 3 on
Walt Disney's Wonderful World Of Color. In 1964, the
two episodes were released theatrically as one film in Europe.
