Disney Radio Spots

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Records on this shelf are part of a series issued by the Disney company to promote their movies, parks and other on radio with commercials, interviews and more.Record Checklist
101 Dalmatians Apple Dumpling Gang Aristocats
CR-3036  Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians (Radio Spots) Apple Dumpling Gang (Commercial Radio Spots) CR-3082 The Aristocats (Commercial Radio Announcements)
Bambi Babes In Toyland
CR-3473 Walt Disney's Bambi (Commercial Radio Announcements) BT-1 Walt Disney Presents Victor Herbert's Babes In Toyland
Beach Party (1963) Beach Party (1973) Bedknobs/Broomsticks Blackbeard's Ghost
BEACH-763-USA Interview Specials With The Stars Of Beach Party (Radio Spots) Beach Party (Radio Spots) WDP-100 Bedknobs And Broomsticks (A One Hour Radio Special) Blackbeard's Ghost (Commercial Radio Announcements)
Charley & The Angel / Cinderella Cinderella
       DS-2724 Charley And The Angel / Cinderella RKO-115/RKO-116 Walt Disney's Cinderella Radio Spots
Disney On Parade Escape To Witch... Gnome-Mobile (INTVW)
CR-3279 Disney On Parade (Commercial Radio Announcements) UN-9001 Escape To Witch Mountain (Commercial Radio Announcements) 923/924 The Gnome-Mobile (Interview Specials)
Happiest Million..#3 Happiest Million..#4 Happiest Million..#5
938/939 The Happiest Millionaire Feature #3 and Lesley Ann Warren 940/941 Happiest Millioinaire Record #4 942/943 Happiest Millioinaire Record #5
In Search... Castaways Island At Top/Pooh... Mary Poppins (INTVW) Mary Poppins (CRA '64)
CAS-1 In Search Of The Castaways (Radio Spots) Island At The Top Of The World / Winnie The Pooh And Tigger Too (Commercial Radio Announcements) CR-2596 Mary Poppings (Interviews) CR-2706 Walt Disney's Mary Poppins (Commercial Radio Announcements)
Mary Poppins (CRA '73) Merlin Jones The Monkey's Uncle The Monkey's Uncle
CR-3383 Walt Disney's Mary Poppins (Radio Spots) CR-2567 The Misadventures Of Merlin Jones 365 Annette (The Monkey's Uncle Open-End Interview) CR-2687 The Monkey's Uncle (Commercial Radio Announcements)
Muscle Beach Party Never A Dull Moment Now You See Him...
MBP-264-USA Muscle Beach Party (Open-End Interviews) CR-3082  Never A Dull Moment (Commercial Radio Announcements Walt Dinsey Productions' Now You See Him... Now You Don't #DIS-72-1
One Of Our Dinosaurs Pajama Party The Parent Trap
UN-9002 One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing a-14 Pajama Party (Radio Spots) PT-1 The Parent Trap (Commercial Radio Announcements)
Pollyanna POL-2 Pollyanna POL-3 Sleeping Beauty Son Of Flubber
POL-2 Pollyanna (Guest Stars From Hollywood) POL-3 Pollyanna (Commercial Radio Announcements) SB-1 Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty 938 Walt Disney's Comedy Smash Of The Year ''Son Of Flubber''
Summer Magic Swiss Family Robinson Treasure Is... / Dr. Syn...
CR-2534 Summer Magic (Commercial Radio Announcements) CR-2894 Swiss Family Robinson (Commercial Radio Announcements) UN-9013 Treasure Island / Dr. Syn, Alias The Scarescrow


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